USDLA Newsletter

October 2015

Global Corner

USDLA, International Corner
By Marci Powell, Global Partnership Committee Chair

A busy summer has passed as USDLA looks forward to a fall that globally promises to be just as busy.

USDLA activities with the European Distance and E-Learning Network

Called the “power trio” of female leaders, USDLA Board members Darcy Hardy and Marci Powell joined Dr. Belinda Tynan, Pro-Vice Chancellor, Open University U.K., to deliver a unique keynote, “Women in Leadership: From the Classroom to the Board Room” at the European Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN) conference held June 13-17 in Barcelona, Spain.

Focusing on leadership, change management and strategic thinking, Dr. Hardy shared how sometimes leaders must let go of their egos and give their ideas to someone else to make them come to fruition.

USDLA board member Dr. Don Olcott facilitated the session Expanded Learning Scenarios of Best Practice in the U.S. with presentations by USDLA board member Sharon Goldstein, Berkeley College; Dale Gomez, Florida International University; and Dean Hoke, representing global extensions in the United Arab Emirates.

EDEN’s fall Open Classroom Conference, Open Discovery Space: Transforming schools into innovative learning organisations, will be held in Athens, Greece, from September 18 through 21.

USDLA and the International Council for Open and Distance Education

ICODE meeting

The International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE) extended an invitation to USDLA to participate in the UNESCO Global High Level Policy Forum organized in partnership with ICDE. The event was held at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, France, June 9-11, 2015.

USDLA Board Member, Paul Roitman Bardack, Esq. represented USDLA at the forum along with approximately 150 people representing 60 nations. Those present included UNESCO officers and staff along with ambassadors, ministers of education, presidents of national universities, and more.

Mr. Bardack was given the rare honor of presenting to the assembly as part of a plenary group. “The Next Generation of Teachers for the Digital Age” was the topic for the panel, which consisted of representatives from South Africa, Indonesia, United Arab Emirates, Tanzania, and the European Students' Union.

The outcome of the policy forum was the initial version of the Paris Message, a detailed endorsement of the expanded use of online education in job training and higher education. The goal is to set a framework for global expansion of e-learning for all, and particularly lesser-developed countries. The recommendations will be refined in October and voted upon by UNESCO member nations in November.

The October forum to refine the Paris Message will convene again in conjunction with the 26th ICDE World Conference held at the University of South Africa (UNISA) in Sun City, South Africa, October 14-16, 2015. Mr. Bardack will once again represent USDLA.